Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Earthlings Coffee Workshopt - Zesty Lemon Sofe Cheese Cake

Earthlings Coffe Workshop - open at 10am-1130pm
                                             - located at CityOne Shopping Mall
                                             - a place to hang out with friens while drinking a cup of coffee or                                                             chocolate drinks, etc.
                                             - a slice of cake for woman will be a wonderful choice
                                             - a place to spend your time alone, blanks your mind and just enjoy a                                                      relaxing time without any workload stress by a cup of your favourite                                                      drink
                                             - a place where their waiters are very friendly and heart-warming
                                             - a place i will go again ; D

One night, i went there alone after attend my friend's wedding dinner. Craving for something. Therefore, i stopped at Earthlings Coffee Workshop after i decided not to spend my time to watch movie until late night. I had ordered Zesty Lemon Soft Cheese Cake and a cup of warm Caramilk. Rm11.90 per slice. I like the cake. Taste very comfortable light lemon & light cheese. The cake is really soft like a cotton. The white deco of the cake aren't white chocolate, they are something like icing sugar.

this is cake, not ice cream! not magnum gold ice cream :)

the night was windy. A cup of caramilk suits the best to give a good rest in the night. 
Overall, i personally love the place so much. The place is so peaceful and relaxing. One more thing to praise is all the waiters there service their customers politely, friendly, and heart-warming. I like their service. thumbs up for them!!

Have chance & have a visit there. I'm sure you all will like the place too. 

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